Nick Strickler, an American racing driver, has emerged as the winner of the OpenFender Open Sponsorship campaign. Making his debut in the EuroNASCAR2 division for Racingfuel Motorsport, Strickler is set to showcase his talent behind the wheel.
The OpenFender Open Sponsorship campaign, promoting the world's first motorsports-focused funding engagement platform, provides racers with a $1,000 sponsorship opportunity every month. Strickler's victory highlights the significance of sponsorship in motorsports.
To be eligible, participants need to raise at least $100 on OpenFender and tag their social media posts with @openfender and specific hashtags. Strickler's diligence and effective use of social media landed him the sponsorship.
As the sole American driver in EuroNASCAR2, Strickler's win brings attention to the talented American racing community globally. OpenFender's support will offer financial assistance and valuable exposure, opening doors for additional sponsors and ensuring a promising future for Strickler's racing career.
The OpenFender Open Sponsorship campaign revolutionises the motorsports industry by emphasising the importance of sponsorship connections. Strickler's victory attests to how sponsors can nurture young talents and fuel their success.
Don’t miss the opportunity to join the November Open Sponsorship campaign!
Take your Motocross career to the next level! Join OpenFender’s FundChaser Campaign for a chance to win a $1,500 sponsorship.